What are jokes and what are puns?

Have you ever tried to tell a joke, say at the start of a speech, only to have it land on deafening silence? You are not alone yourself. Very varied outcomes may be achieved depending on the situation or the target audience for the comedy. This is where you need to be aware of the jokes and puns and how to crack them correctly.

Understanding jokes and puns

What are puns? Puns are the jokes that exploit different meanings associated with a word. Or else, you may also call puns as the words that are sounding alike but come along with different meanings.  Assume you’re at a stuffy business conference, complete with professional clothes and rigorous adherence to the day’s rules. If you attempted any type of low-brow or slapstick humor in this situation, you would’ve been shooting yourselves in the foot. It will probably not work since everybody in the crowd is already nervous, and no one wants to seem casual by smiling or supporting the joke teller.

Consider the following scenario: you’re making a presentation to a kindergarten class. Would this be a good moment to show off some of the most refined, dry humor? Obviously not. Instead, make jokes regarding toys, parents, or food to connect with the kids. In no time, the young kids will be rolling around on the ground giggling. You’ll also benefit from a significant ego boost.

How to crack the best jokes and puns to an audience

  • Practice the joke

Practice it! Tell your kids, spouse, and dog about it. You’ll want to practice telling the joke just several times before doing it for real. Nothing makes you appear more foolish than delivering a joke incorrectly.

  • Don’t just tell jokes that people are already aware of

Look for jokes and puns that are not so popular on the internet. Don’t make jokes that everyone has hear. If your joke has been all over the internet, you should avoid it.

  • Keep them short

Jokes that are shorter are better. I understand. You believe you are an excellent storyteller. But believe me when I say that your audience will thank you for skipping the colorful details and fluff. Simply tell your joke. If you can, make it shorter.

  • Don’t ignore the punch line

The last line is the punch line. After the punchline, nothing should happen. Consider how effectively this joke was executed. What caused the chicken to cross the street? In order to reach the opposite side. Keep things tidy. I mean completely clean.

Tell this to the Queen of England and then forget about it. Seriously. If you’re unsure if you’re “stepping the line,” don’t say anything. Consider this: if you make a joke to ten people and nine of them laugh, you’ve nevertheless alienated one of them. Do not attempt it.

If you can adhere to these tips, you will surely be able to bring a smile to the face of another person with jokes and puns.

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